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ILLEGAL ALIENS FLOODING AMERICA The rising tide of colored immigrants into the United States is one of the most alarming issues of our day. It is estimated that as many as TWELVE MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS are presently in the United States. These aliens are depriving Americans of jobs, increasing our taxes by their glut of the welfare rolls, and in general bring havoc to an already seriously endangered economy. How did twelve million aliens enter the country illegally? Thousands come as tourists and just never bother to go home again. And, ironically, it's a crime for them to work in the U.S., but it is not a crime for an employer to hire them. A high-ranking official of the military states: "I want to emphasize my strong belief that we are poised on the brink of what could become a national crisis unless some actions are taken very soon." Illegal immigration is costing this country BILLIONS in unpaid taxes, welfare benefits, medical aid, unemployment insurance, crime and the hundreds of millions of dollars being spent by the illegal workers to families in other countries at a time when America's balance of payments deficit is almost $3.5 Billion. The illegals are beginning to have a severe effect on the U.S. It's estimated that if the present trend continues, THE ILLEGAL POPULATION WILL DOUBLE WITHIN ABOUT FIVE YEARS THEN DOUBLE AGAIN SHORTLY THEREAFTER--AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Another means by which illegals enter the United States is smuggling. Robert Williams, district Immigration Naturalization Service director in San Francisco: "Smuggling aliens has become very big business, may be three billion dollars a year, and a lot of people who were into smuggling dope have switched to smuggling aliens." If they get caught with dope, they get the book thrown at them, but if they're caught with illegals, most of the time they're released outright. Only about 20% are prosecuted, and even if they're found guilty they serve maybe 90 days in jail and pay an average of $76, although federal law provides for up to 5 years in prison and $2,000 per head on smuggling illegals. The majority of aliens illegally entering the United States, simply walk across the border. The U.S.-Canadian border stretches for 4,000 miles and the Mexican-U.S. border stretches for 2,000. Only a handful of agents patrol these borders. APPROXIMATELY 80% OF ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE MEXICANS. The population of Mexico will DOUBLE in the next twenty years, the jobless rate is already at 40%, and a Mexican is lucky if he can make $1.00 a day now in his home country. The recent devaluations of the Peso and the government-inspired land grabs by peasants has stirred an even greater increase in the trek northward. Says Leonard Chapman, former commissioner of the INS: "WE HAVE BECOME A HAVEN FOR THE UNEMPLOYED OF THE WORLD. I THINK IT'S GOING TO BE CATASTROPHIC." In the past few years, more and more illegals from other parts of the world are seeking to enter the United States. Smuggling operations from Haiti, Columbia, Jamaica, Greece, Nigeria and the Philippines, have poured colored immigrants into the United States. THE COLORED IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES IS GREATER THAN THE BIRTH RATE OF NATIVE BORN. We are being overwhelmed by colored immigration both legal and illegal. Of the 400,000 legal immigrants who come into our country each year, only one-fourth are white, and of the ONE MILLION illegal aliens entering the country each year ONLY A HANDFUL ARE WHITE. Once a legal alien has a job in the United States, he may "sponsor" other colored immigrants for entry into the United States. There is no limit to the number he may sponsor into the country. A recent report by Sixty Minutes on CBS, interviewed a Jordanian who had sponsored at least five families, one of which had ten members, most of the families were on welfare. The ease with which aliens are placed on the welfare rolls is astonishing. Our traitorous politicians know of the problem but have turned their backs on it and some have even encouraged it. Coloreds tend to vote for the liberal programs by the social-minded liberals and therefore the liberals block in our Congress and welcome more votes. Ex-President Carter has stated his desire to "LEGALIZE ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS NOW IN THE COUNTRY." "President Bush is now doing the same!" This statement has produced a mad scramble to get across the Rio Grande and become a legal U.S. citizen by thousands of Mexicans. WE MUST CLOSE THE DOORS TO CONTINUED COLORED IMMIGRATION BEFORE THE COLOR BALANCE IS TIPPED IN FAVOR OF THE COLORED POPULATION. We cannot stand idly by and see the land of our White forefathers become a cesspool of coffee-with-cream colored people. THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, INC. demands an end to the foreign invasion of our country and demands that Congress block any plans to "legalize" twelve million illegal aliens. WRITE TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND YOUR SENATORS AS WELL AS YOUR STATE OFFICIALS TODAY. Don't delay. This is one of the most critical issues we will ever have to face. There are thousands of organizations working for the interests of Blacks. How many groups stand up for the cultural values and ideals of the White Majority? Not many: as a result, we are faced with reverse discrimination in jobs, promotions, and scholarships-busing for forced integration-high taxes for minority welfare-a high rate of brutal crime-gun control, anti-white movies and TV shows, in short, a society oriented to the wishes of minorities. We, of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc., are unapologetically committed to the interest, ideals, and cultural values of the White Majority. We are determined to maintain and enrich our cultural and racial heritage. We are growing fast and strong because we have NEVER compromised the TRUTH! Interested in find out how you can help? Write to the National Office today! [email protected] [email protected] (The enclosed information was taken from: "Illegal Aliens Flooding America", published and distributed by the Aryan Knights of the Confederacy Ku Klux Klan, P.O. Box 47, Bellefontaine, OH 43311. And was digitally reproduced by JCKurt for the distribution of the Church of the United Knights, KKK Some text was altered in ordinance to comply with any copyright laws, if any exist |